I AM BenBaker

Networking in all the RIGHT Places



Active communication is key, not only to not feeling socially isolated personally, but it is a key factor in getting people to understand your value as a company in the business world.

Mostly, we are all very social being and like to be liked.   However, are you being liked by those who can support you both in business and personally or are they empty promises on the other end of a digital device?

As I tell my clients on a regular basis, if you are not networking and communicating your value in the right places you are not being effective.   If where and how you communicate are not receptive to your engagement, then it is time and effort ill spent.

Take the time to look at your social media, your conferences, your networking events and your daily schedule.  Are you using your time and resources wisely to further your objectives?   Think about how you are spending your time right now. . . is it effective?  Can you be more effective by changing directions?

Remember. . . if your clients are not on FaceBook and are not engaging on topics that matter to you and your business. . . why are you there?

Understand where your customers are and what interests them and be there and talk in ways that matter to them.   LISTEN more and direct your attention where it matters.   I think you will be surprised by the results.

Here is a great Ted Talk by my friend @BoscoAnthony . . . as he says, “Do Not Live Life by Default!”