I AM BenBaker

Print Marketing as Tangible Evidence. . . Why it is STILL RELEVANT!

We are all aware of the hardships that newspapers around the world are facing in terms of reduced readership, diminished advertising and mergers.   There is no doubt that in a world of 24/7 news at your fingertips, the traditional newspaper has fallen upon hard times.

This should however not be an argument that all print marketing is heading the way of the DoDo Bird or that newsprint itself will not find a way to make itself relevant again.


I am a firm believer, that although we live in a digital society and digital marketing is here to stay, it cannot be the sole focus of any marketing strategy.

The Boomer and Zoomer Generations  are a demographic that Gen Y and Millenials Marketers are forgetting and do not seem to understand the significant purchasing power this generation will have for years to come.   Although many are tech savvy, it is my argument that this generation, like many Gen Xers, still do like to have paper based advertising to allow for ongoing referral and reference.

Also, we have found that with CASL (Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation) taking effect last July, digital marketing in Canada that is not opt in has been severely hampered.   With that in mind, many of our clients are going back to traditional direct mail campaigns with us as a way to rebuild their online mailing lists.   We have found direct mail especially well received by the Millenials and Gen-Yers  because they are not used to getting mail that is specifically addressed and targeted to their needs and desires.

Take the time to have a look at your overall marketing strategy.   Print creates Tangible Evidence for your brand that Gets YOU Noticed! and allows people an on going reference point of how to contact you and refer to your value proposition.