I AM BenBaker

Riz Kermalli

Riz Kermalli joins us from Toronto on the February 13th, 2019 YourLIVINGBrand.live show.  We talk about innovation in logistics and how to create a superior customer experience.

Eshipper is the Trivago of the shipping world.

You can find this week’s show on IHEART RADIO HERE!

Audience Questions:

But is it a matter of opinion what people think things look like?

This is referring to a comment that I made about making sure that clients fully understand how something will look before going to print.  It is about having a proper proofing stage where customers are shown, digitally, how something should look when printed.  What I stressed is that it is important to point out any concerns that may happen at this stage to a client, like letters filling in, so that the client can decide if they are okay with this, before it is printed and you have an unhappy client that was not advised before it was too late to fix things.

So you are saying we need to see what works for our business?

Every business needs to determine what works for them.  There is no right or wrong answer, just what is right or wrong for you and it is important to understand that your clients feel the same way.  They have certain things that they want and if you cannot understand what their needs, wants or desires are, it is almost impossible to truly help them.

You are saying don’t wear too many hats in the business?

What I meant is that we are all experts in certain things and not in others. The sooner we can understand what we are good at, what we are not and find partners who can do the work we are not good at, the sooner we can focus on helping our clients.  The money that you will spend in outsourcing will pay dividends many times over because you can now concentrate on your strengths instead.