I AM BenBaker

Setting Up A Successful Conference With Andy Storch

LBL Andy Storch | Conference Planning


A huge part of success is often attributed to great planning and luck. Organizing a conference is certainly no different. Since people join these with different goals, you must be able to meet their needs. Performance coach, sales leader, podcaster, and international Speaker, Andy Storch, talks about his fair share of experience when things didn’t go as planned during the first conference they organized. As a leader in sales, Andy shares some strategies that he used to market their event and how he handles the hiccups they encounter along the way. With success under his portfolio, listen as he explains the components that make a conference enjoyable and memorable for everyone.

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Setting Up A Successful Conference With Andy Storch

I have Andy Storch on the show. Andy is with Advantage Performance. Where are you now, Andy?

Ben, thanks so much for having me on. I do travel a lot but I’m coming to you from my home office in Orlando, Florida. 

You are on the East Coast. You and I are about as far away from each other in Continental North America as we can get. You’re out there enjoying the sunshine and I got the cold snap coming in. Enjoy the sun while you got it.

We’re recording this at winter, which is the time to be here for sure and come summer, my dream is to get out and visit cool places like Vancouver. 

You’re always welcome. We got the snow on the peaks right now. It’s gorgeous and blue skies. I’ll come down and visit Mickey and we’ll do a house swap. 

LBL Andy Storch | Conference Planning
Conference Planning: There’s no point in getting frustrated that things didn’t work out the way you wanted. Embrace the new change whatever it is, and then just go with it.


It sounds good. 

You and I met through LinkedIn because you were running a conference and if I remember correctly it was Sonoma in late fall. I got excited. I said, “I’ll get in touch with you to see if you were still looking for speakers.” We had a good conversation about it and then something happened. You had a major challenge. Before we get into who you are, what you do and why you do it, this story is a great story because it tells a little bit more about who you are as a company, what you guys do, what challenges you’d go through, how you fixed those challenges and how you move forward. Every business needs to hear this because it’s not just bright lights and raining cash. It’s the challenges that come along in our lives that make us better. Tell me the backstory and then let’s get on from there. 

More and more, I find that you find out who’s successful by how they react to certain challenges because there are going to be a lot of challenges that come your way. What you’re referring to was a conference that my friend, Bennett Phillips, and I created called the Talent Development Think Tank. We had the idea in February 2018. We’re both consultants in the talent development space. We connect companies with exceptional learning and development programs, a lot of leadership development, things like that. We both have built big networks and we love bringing people together and hosting events. We started talking about doing some smaller events and then we said. “What if we did a conference?” We’re both like, “How could we do that?” It was like, “Let’s give it a try.”

One of the big reasons, the impetus was because I go to a lot of conferences. Specifically, I go to conferences in the HR and talent development space because that’s where a lot of my prospective clients are. I want to go out there and do networking as well as learn about the latest trends and things going on in the space. I found a lot of them to be boring quite frankly. There are a lot of people on their phones and taking naps because there’s a lot of death by PowerPoint, as I call it, slide-after-slide. People learning a little bit from the person on the stage, not a lot of leveraging of the experience and the wisdom in the room. I knew there was so much expertise out there that we could be harnessing.

In my business, I run training and development programs for big companies. Everything we do is highly experiential and interactive. I know you’re big on that as well. It’s the only way to go. I said, “We have an opportunity to create something different. Let’s create something and let’s practice what we preach and create a program that has a lot of interaction and people networking, learning from each other.” We did that and we went out and found a couple of big-name speakers because we knew nobody would know who we are. We got Josh Bersin and Liz Wiseman, who are both big names in the talent development space, as well as Michael Bungay Stanier who signed on who’s the author of The Coaching Habit. He’s a big name as well.

When you get challenges, always look for the silver lining and see if it opens up other possibilities. Share on X

We put together a lot of interactive sessions and then we started telling everybody that we knew and it was crickets for a while. We scheduled the conference for early November 2019. By October, we had sold it out over 100 tickets to mostly the people in our space and our niche, the talent development field. A week before the conference, if you pay attention to the news that there were a bunch of wildfires out in California, specifically a big one called the Kincaid Wildfire in Sonoma County. We thought, “Do we need to worry about this fire?” We thought, “No, our hotel is in town in Santa Rosa. The chances of it disrupting our conference is low.” Before the conference, I remember my partner, Bennett, called me and said, “We need to postpone our conference. The fire came into town. They’ve evacuated our hotel and we don’t know if it’s going to be open when our conference starts.”

We had to make the very difficult decision to send an email out to about 150 people. We have people coming in from all over North America, Canada, UK, even as far as Trinidad, “We’re sorry. We know you have flights booked and everything, but we have to postpone this conference. We don’t know when it’s going to be.” Nobody blamed us. It wasn’t our fault or anything, but we still felt terrible. We had four big-name keynote speakers and then another twenty or so breakout speakers to try to coordinate schedules with them to find a new date. They’ve all got crazy travel schedules and everything, but we ended up settling on a new date in January 2020. We lost a few people that had bought tickets.

They couldn’t make the new dates. It also created opportunities for us to sell more tickets to people that couldn’t come in November but were available in January. t evened out. It came around and we hosted our first conference. A few more challenges came up. I got sick the day before. I was lying in my hotel bed in Sonoma wondering if I was going to be able to get on stage the next day. When I woke up the next morning, I knew I’d will myself to do it. Once I got into the room, the adrenaline started pumping and we got in there. We hosted a great conference. It achieved our vision. It was very interactive, very engaging. The feedback has been tremendous. Everybody told us it was one of the best conferences they’ve ever attended. It was a huge success. We had a lot of fun. We’re going to get some clients from it, which is part of the goal, so far so good. 

I love the story because it’s not just we decided to do a conference. We had a conference and we made $1 million. It’s the challenges and the things that go along that make the conference better because first of all, you realize it’s our first conference. We’re not trying to get 500 or 1,000 people. Let’s get 100. Let’s create a manageable number that we can make some money off of, can afford to pay our bills, can do this thing successfully. It’s manageable. It’s within budget and test and see the success. Is there an appetite for this? Are people going to like this? Are people going to respond to this? It allowed you to be able to put your first toe in the water and be able to create something that had a very good opportunity for success because there are too many people that reach for the stars in their first conference and they become epic failures. They do because don’t know enough. As I keep telling people, we get beaten up by the stuff we don’t know that we don’t know.

The stuff that we don’t know kills us because you and I are not event planners. That’s not what we do for a living. There are so many things that can trip you up creating a conference that can do it. What I want to find out is what were the conversations like on the phone with your clients, suppliers, sponsors, and whoever when you told them a week out that this is going to have to be postponed. You’re right, it’s not within your control. However, they all had booked tickets. They’re all going to have cancellation fees. They’re all going to have a week then or whatever where they’re going to be completely out of pocket because they were expecting to be at your conference. How did that conversation go? How were you able to make sure that you kept these people engaged, so when you were able to have the conference 6, 8, 10 weeks later, that you were able to bring them back and be able to make sure it was successful?

LBL Andy Storch | Conference Planning
Conference Planning: When planning for a conference, know who your target demographic is.


Surprisingly, I don’t think we had anybody complain. Nobody complained about having to change the dates or change their flights or anything. Everybody completely understood. It’s a natural disaster. It happens. It’s not our fault. For the people that we’re paying to come to the conference like I hired my friend Lauren Davis to run social media and we had an event coordinator, we covered their airline change fees, any additional costs. We didn’t want to cost them money. For all of our attendees, nobody complained about it. They took it in stride. We did have about 25 or so people who couldn’t make the new dates and then asked us for refunds. That’s a tough situation to be in because we’re two guys organizing a conference and counting pennies. It was a balance of we want to provide great service but at the same time, we need to take care of our bottom line and make sure that we’re doing the right thing. We settled on asking all of them if they would take credits before giving a refund and about half of them did. The rest, we provided refunds and we have credits for a lot of people that were going to come for the next conference and we’re in the process of planning that. Everything went fine. The speakers didn’t complain about it.

Everybody was very sympathetic and understood. We had to push them a little bit, crack the whip a couple of times to get the speakers to lock in the new dates. I remember furiously texting them like, “We need you to commit to this new date now because we’re ready to mark. We’ve got to tell everybody what’s going to happen.” We put it together. By the time we got there, people were so excited and we kept in touch over email and video messages. I was posting content regularly on LinkedIn and a lot of people connected with that and they were excited to be coming there. Everything worked out, no big problems around that. It was more stress on our end and making sure that we’re going to have enough people because there’s the fear you’re going to end up refunding everybody and then you’re going to have nobody there for the new dates. Many people hung on and they were excited to come and they’ve been excited since.

You were able to get new people that couldn’t make the original date that came to the new date.

That was the great thing. I always try to look at these challenges and think of what is the silver lining? I usually ask the question, what does this make possible? When this happened, we said, “We ran out of space before. This allowed us to open up more space. We can sell more tickets for people that couldn’t come the old day, maybe they can come to the new.” I had this vision and I would go hard on marketing, we might sell a whole bunch of more tickets. It didn’t come true, but we sold a few more, just about making up for the refund requests that came in. There were some great people there I connected with. I’m thinking of two in my mind right now who are both about to become clients and we’re excited to work together. Both of them couldn’t make the old dates and they were able to make the new dates. Sometimes, you look at these things and you think, “I wonder if this happens for a reason,” or there’s always a silver lining if you look for it. You don’t get all bent out of shape because there’s no point in getting angry and frustrated that things didn’t work out the way you wanted that originally when you can embrace the new change, whatever it is and then go with it.

I have a saying that I use on a regular basis that the glass is not half-full or half-empty, it’s refillable. If you could sit there and have the viewpoint that the glass is refillable and say, “This is the challenge that’s in front of me. This is what’s gone wrong. These are the things that are within my control. These are things without my control. How do I move forward from here?” I think that the people that are going to be successful in business, in life, in whatever, are the people that can sit there and say, “I’ve been thrown a curveball. What do I do with it? How do I adjust my swing? How do I keep an eye on the ball and make sure that you make contact to be able to move forward?” 

The best way to market is through storytelling and making it personal. Share on X

The great lesson learned from this conference is that you realize that this is completely out of my control. Thank God the building didn’t burn down. Thank God nobody got hurt and glad you weren’t there in the middle of the conference as Sonoma was burning around you. There are positive things to take out of it but it’s also sitting there saying, “We got two new clients out of that. We got some great relationships out of this. We now have a story to tell about this. We learned some things.” We sat there and say it gave us another two months to be able to hone the conference and make it even a little bit better. There are many things that can come out of this thing that are positive, but there are many people out there that go right for the negative.

That always happens to me. They’re like, “That’s what you’re looking for,” whereas I’m like, “Good things always happen. There’s always a reason. There’s always a silver lining and challenges are going to happen.” That was the second time that my plans got drastically changed by a natural disaster. My wife and I had plans to go to Israel for a good friend’s wedding. We live in Florida, as you mentioned earlier. There was a big hurricane that came through and closed the airport and canceled school. We had to cancel that trip as well. We made the most of it. We did some fun family outings. I forget what we did but it all worked out. We’re all safe and everybody’s healthy. We have much to be grateful for.

Beyond the disaster that happened and whatever, when you’re planning a conference like this, what’s the vision that’s in your mind? Let’s talk about the vision that was in your mind. “I want to accomplish X. This is the value that I think that I can provide. These are the things and people that I could help.” What are the thoughts that are going through your mind when you’re developing this to be able to have a clear vision of what you want the conference to be, what success looks like for you and how did you go about achieving that?

It’s an important question to ask. After it was all said and done, I wrote down a list of what are the important components that you need to organize a successful conference? For anybody reading thinking about organizing an event and a conference, this could be helpful. It applies to anything. Step one is know who your target niche or demographic is. Who are you marketing to? Who is this for? Who is this not for? We knew that we were specifically targeting people who worked in HR or talent development, not anybody else. We ended up having other people come to the conference because they heard and found out about it and they wanted to come. I’m glad they did but that wasn’t our target niche. That wasn’t who we were targeting. We had the target and then we had a very clear vision of what we wanted to create. We felt most of the conferences out there in this space were boring. We knew we could do something better and different. We wanted it to be very interactive, engaging, fun, focus a lot of connection and people learning from each other. Those are things I don’t see out there very much in corporate conferences. I knew we had an opportunity to do something different. We had a very clear vision of what we wanted it to be and we stayed true to that.

A lot of credit goes to my partner, Bennett, because he managed our agenda while I was doing all the marketing stuff and he kept the agenda very true to that. We had one session, one speaker who was all PowerPoint. We knew that’s what we were getting with him. People don’t mind that about him because he’s the foremost thought leader in the market. His name is Josh Bersin. He was our opening keynote and people are still blown away. They love him because he’s on top of the latest trends. Everybody else was interactive, engaging and stayed true to our vision. Once you have that vision, I keep thinking of this because you’ve got this sign behind you. Your tagline is what’s your story? I got some great advice early on in the process. I went to a mentor and a group of people who are in this marketing, branding type space. I said, “How should I do this?” I asked for advice. Their number one piece of advice was to tell a story. Make sure in all your marketing that you’re telling a story and making it personal that it’s not this cold like, “Come to this event.”

LBL Andy Storch | Conference Planning
Conference Planning: At the end, what people remember in a conference is not the speaker or the event, but the people.


I have two podcasts. I do a lot of content on LinkedIn and I tried to always be telling a story about why we were doing this. What’s our vision? Why is it different from other events out there? The story of how we came up with it, how we were putting it together, who was involved, why we’re doing it, sharing my energy and my excitement for it. I wasn’t out there so I don’t know how it came across to a lot of people but we sold a bunch of tickets. It was successful. When people were there, I felt so much connection with people. I saw a lot of connections with each other. People felt they are a part of something. That’s because we told them a story along the way. We made it personal. You could see it in our website, how we talked about the podcast and in-kind or organic content, we even re-ran some ads, things that. All of it was about telling the story of who we are, what we’re creating, why we’re creating, and this is our vision. Do you want to be part of it? Luckily, there were at least 100 people or so that did.

First of all, you’re thought process on engagement. As we started off this conversation, there are way too many conferences out there, too many trade shows, too many things where it’s either death by a PowerPoint or there’s not enough time built-in for actual quiet conversations outside of the presentation. You go from presentation to presentation. I’ve been that closing keynote address and you look out in people’s eyes and they’re totally glossed over. By the time they get to that closing thing, they’re looking at their watches and they want to go home because they’re exhausted. You need to work hard at that point in time to get into the room and get people excited, to get their energy back up because they haven’t had the time to process.

It’s not just the information, it’s being able to process the information. It’s meeting people in the hallways, “What did you think about this?” “What do you do? We’re in the same space, here’s my business card. Let’s have a conversation about this next week.” The things that go on. That’s the magic of going to conferences. You’ll end too many conferences are speaker after speaker and you lose your people so easily that way. I applaud you over and over again for understanding that you have to engage the people that are in the room. You have to bring up their energy. You have to give them time and energy to network and to be with each other.

Thank you so much for affirming that. I feel we could have even done a better job, but it’s funny you mentioned that because I agree completely. We wanted to create that with this. I started going down the road of potentially organizing a conference for entrepreneurs, business owners for another friend of mine. I started posing questions out on social media. What’s the biggest thing missing from conferences? What would you see more from events? The number one thing that kept coming up over and over again was more networking time. More time to connect with people. I go to a lot of conferences and I always go for the people I might meet whether they’re potential clients, partners or friends. I love meeting friends at conferences and building relationships.

I look at a conference and I don’t care who is speaking. I ask myself, “Who’s going to be in the room? Who am I going to meet?” Most people look first at the speakers and they’re attracted to the speakers or the content, but then what they remember most in the end are the people they met, it’s the connections they made. The veterans who have been to enough conferences are asking for that because they realize that’s where the real value comes in. For anybody reading this who wants to take this, go create something. I had a friend that reached out to me, who’s a big-time insurance agent out in Southern California and said, “You need to come to create this in the insurance industry.” I was like, “I don’t know if I have time in creating more conferences.” I’m thinking about it. 

When you learn to love yourself, loving others becomes easier. Share on X

If you are, I’m willing to work with you on that one because I love that space. There are some great people in there. The next thing I want to unpack is the whole story thing because as you said, you were telling your story through the whole piece. My question to you is did you enable the people within the conference itself to tell your story for you? Did you have a videographer there who was sitting there taking snippets of people and say, “What did you think of the conference? What was the best thing that you liked about the conference? Who was the best speaker?” Having those at the ready, so when next year’s conference comes up, you have all those video snippets ready to be able to build the know, like and trust and get people excited about the conference because they’ll look at what you missed from the last conference?

It would be sad if my answer is no but luckily it was yes. I’m sure we could have done being a better job of this, but I feel fortunate that we had the wherewithal to think about these things that we had a great team. We did have a videography crew there. We had three people who were doing photography, videography, capturing not only the keynotes but a lot of what was going on in the crowd. We started grabbing people to do video testimonials. I credit my wife who came with me, who was a former journalist who said on the second day, “We’ve got to start grabbing people and interviewing them.” She started interviewing them on video. We got a bunch of video testimonials. As I mentioned earlier, I hired my friend, Lauren Davis, who was in the Chicago area to run social media for us. She was there taking pictures, videos and posting nonstop on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. I was doing the same thing taking her content.

Because we did that, we created such a buzz around the event. It wasn’t just us, I kept encouraging our attendees, “Please, if you don’t mind, share some of this stuff on social media, whatever your takeaways are.” A lot of people don’t get how to do social media like those of us business owners who do it all the time. They tried to do the best they could and we told them about the hashtag and the handles and everything. People were posting. It’s one of those things that you’ve got to do these days and a lot of people still aren’t getting it right, especially in the event space. It creates so much buzz and so much FOMO, fear of missing out. Many people that didn’t buy tickets that are sitting there on social media are going, “That conference looks amazing. I’ve got to go to that.” That was the whole goal. That’s why we’re willing to invest to make that happen. We had people still posting days afterwards about their highlights.

One guy I connected with who listens to my podcast, we became friends. He wrote a LinkedIn article about me, the whole story of putting it together and why it was so impactful for him. When you can create that story as you said, people are bought into it and I don’t mean bought into it in a bad way. We are 100% transparent and authentic. It is who we are. We want you to be part of it and people get energized by it onboard, you get them sharing as well and doing some of the marketing work for you. I don’t know if we did it perfectly, but we’ve got a lot of great benefits out of that. We’re still going through the hours and hours of video and we’ll be using those testimonials and creating highlight reels and stuff like that we can use to mark at the event next time, so that it looks even more legit than the first time we were marketing it, having not done it before.

The one thing I remember being on stage once and the first time somebody did this to me is they had a Twitter wall right up next to me. They had this huge screen that was constantly running the Twitter feed while I was talking. It was hysterically because the comments that were coming in are real-time while I’m on stage. People making comments about me, about what I’m saying and everything. A couple of times, I’ve looked over the Twitter wall and said, “Did I really say that?” It became more real and more engaged. You could have a lot of fun with that because all of a sudden, you get people in the room talking to each other through the hashtag. It’s amazing how it elevates the room, how it creates connections and how the learning gets elevated. I love the fact that if you can use social media the right way, incredible things can happen with it.

LBL Andy Storch | Conference Planning
Conference Planning: People want to be part of something, and conferences give them something to be part of.


It’s all about creating a story, creating community and people want to be part of something. You’re giving them something to be part of.

You’re writing a book? 

In addition to organizing a conference and running a business in two podcasts, I’m also writing a book.

The book mirrors the type of work you do. Tell me a little bit about what was the impetus of the book? How is the book coming about? How do you think it’s going to be able to help both you and your client?

The space that I’m in and the book that I’m writing are adjacent. The book also is in a space that you’re in as well and you’ll love it. It’s called Own Your Career, Own Your Life. It’s all about helping people take ownership of their career which involves connecting to a purpose, a vision for their career, taking ownership of that, and all of the things that you can do to set yourself up for success in your career. I saw an opportunity when I’m involved in the entrepreneurship world. There are a lot of people out there saying, “If you’re not happy, you quit your job and go start a business.” We know a lot of people are not going to do. Most people are going to be employed by big companies for most of their careers and they want to be happy and successful. There are a lot of people out there frustrated and drifting waiting for other people and their manager to tell them what to do, following a career path. Their parents or other people set forth for them or they thought it would be cool because they saw it on social media. You know who you are.

I want to help people take more ownership of that. Think about what do I want to do? What’s best for me? What’s my vision for my career? What’s my purpose? What are my goals? How do I go out and achieve those? Who can I get help from? How do I get better at networking? Learning and staying up to date, preparing for the future of work, and building a personal and professional brand. All of that is in there. I’m not a career coach at all. It’s not necessarily serving me directly in that way. It’s going to be helpful for a lot of companies I’m talking to, and you might be seeing this as well because I know you deal with this a lot with freelancer experience and things like that, are experiencing higher attrition at the 2, 3, 4-year mark because freelancers are not taking very much ownership of their career. They’re waiting for their managers. Their managers are frustrated, the freelancers are getting frustrated and because they’re unhappy and they’re not sticking things out, they go look for another job and they leave.

There’s a lot of movement. If people took some time to think about what they want and started having real conversations with their manager, their peers or colleagues, whoever it is and asking for help, they are a lot more likely to be happier, be more fulfilled and stay longer with the companies they’re with especially as we move more toward this gig economy. The future of work, people are going to be moving around more and it’s going to be more based on project-based instead of a long-term career in one role. That doesn’t mean people can’t stay with one company for a long time. I want to help set them up for success. It’s going to be beneficial for companies to put this book in the hands of their freelancers. It’s beneficial for everybody but especially young professionals to take more ownership of their careers. I’m excited to get it out there. I’ve never written a book before. I’m studying crazy while I write it, what it takes to successfully market a book. I’m investing in programs. I hired a great editor who has a lot of experience in this space. I want to get it out there and I want to change some lives. I want to help people take more ownership, live more intentionally and be more fulfilled and happier.

My book, Powerful Personal Brands: A Hands-on Guide to Understanding Yours, mirrors a lot of what you’re saying. I’m a big believer of you have to know yourself before you can be valuable to anybody. There are too many people who are waiting for somebody else to give them permission to succeed. Everybody has to succeed on their own. We need to all step up whether we’re leaders within an organization, freelancers or whatever. Nobody is going to hand you anything. There is no hack for life and easy button. It all comes down to understanding who you are, who you’re valuable to and why you’re valuable to them. The more we can help people get there, the more we can help them be self-actualized and be comfortable within their own skin. The better-off freelancers, leaders, CEOs and better salespeople they’re going to be, if they love themselves, they can love other people. There’s a lot of that to it. Every freelancer that you lose, costs you $100,000 to replace. I know I say that a thousand times on this podcast. I’ll say it again. It’s unbelievable how many people are out there leaving jobs that they shouldn’t leave because nobody listens to them, understands and values them. It’s got to go both ways.

The other thing I want to add too is one of the top qualities, the most important factors of leadership is understanding yourself. It’s self-awareness. A lot of people don’t do that work but if you’re willing to do the work, to understand yourself, what motivates you, what drives you, what energizes you, what you want to move towards, what’s your purpose? Get feedback from others. What are your blind spots? What are your gaps? You’re going to be so much of a better leader, more influential, and happier. As you said, love yourself. It’s easier to love others. Life gets so much better when you’re operating that way. From a business perspective, $100,000, a freelancer, a business gets so much better when you have happier, more engaged freelancers, more productive, get more done, produce more revenue, your costs from attrition are less. It’s amazing. There are so many more things we could say about that but the business case is there. Get Ben’s book, make sure you hire Ben, but when my book comes out, keep an eye out for that as well.

They’re companion books. We’ve got to buy both of them. That’s my thought process on this is that there isn’t one definitive book out there. There’s nobody that’s going to write a definitive book. My book is good. It doesn’t cover everything. Your books are going to cover things that mine doesn’t and vice versa. The more we read, the more we expand our mind, the more we’re open to different points of view and different thoughts, the better off we are. The more that we try to understand things that are outside our comfort level, the better off we are. We don’t have to believe and agree with them but we need to understand them. That’s where the real bonus is in life. The more experiences we can have, the better off we are. Two questions. First of all, we have the conference coming up, but it’s also making sure people get in touch with you. What’s the best way for people to get in touch with you, Andy? 

The best thing for me is social media. That’s where I am all day, every day especially LinkedIn. I know you’re there as well, Ben. Find me on LinkedIn, Andy Storch. I have a podcast called the Talent Development Hot Seat, which is all about corporate talent development. That website is TalentDevelopmentHotSeat.com. My other podcast is called The Andy Storch Show, which is more about personal development. The tagline is, “Starve your fears.” I want to help people starve their fears, follow their dreams and fulfill their true potential. That’s what I’m trying to do every day. I love meeting people like you, Ben, who are doing the same thing. Together, we can inspire more people to fulfill their true potential and live their best life. If you’re in the talent development space, it’s called the Talent Development Think Tank. It will be coming up again in January 2021 and that website is TalentDevelopmentThinkTank.com.

The last question I ask people as they leave my show, they get in their car, they walk away or they leave a client’s office. What’s the one thing you want people to think about you when you’re not in the room?

What I want them to think about me or what they want them to think about themselves?

More about you. How do you want people to view you when you’re not in the room?

I want people to view me as, first and foremost, a friend. Someone that they can always look to for advice, coaching, help, support, whatever it is. Second of all, inspiration. Someone who is fulfilling his true potential. That’s my mission, to fulfill my true potential and inspire other people to do the same thing. I want people to think of me as someone who’s walking the walk and talking the talk. Living my best life, fulfilling my true potential and inspiring them to also think about doing the same thing.

May we all live an inspired life and may we all inspire other people. Andy, it’s always a pleasure having you on the show. Thank you for having me on your show as well. I can’t wait to share that out with the world. You have been an amazing guest.

Thank you so much, Ben. It’s been awesome. I appreciate you coming on my show and having me on your show. I look forward to keeping in touch. 


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About Andy Storch

LBL Andy Storch | Conference Planning

Andy Storch is a Talent Development Consultant, Facilitator, and Connector. He is the host of two podcasts including The Talent Development Hot Seat and The Andy Storch Show as well as the founder and host of the Talent Development Think Tank conference and community.

As a partner with Advantage Performance Group, Andy connects companies with exceptional learning solutions to help them turn strategy into action and get their people doing the best work of their lives. He specializes in strategy alignment, leadership development and business acumen.

Andy earned his Bachelors at the University of Florida and MBA at USC’s Marshall School of Business. He lives with his wife and two kids in Orlando, Fl.

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