I AM BenBaker

Sometimes we can build a better mousetrap

NOTE:  This information was just sent to me and unfortunately this product is unavailable in Canada

This item cannot ship to Canada as we do not have a Drug Identification Number.  As this contains a flammable component, we cannot ship across the border. 


I get pitched close to 100 “new and innovative” promotional products each and every day.   Many of which I ignore for various reasons including they do not fit with the brand, messaging or engagement style of my clients.

However, every once in a while, you get sent an idea that is a unique adaptation of products already on the market, or something brand new, that is a game changer.

This compact cleaning spray and microfibre cloth is such a product because of its size, ability to promote a four colour process logo and the vented cap which allows the cloth to dry and not get mouldy.

Have a look at the video below:

This combination product will allow multiple types of brands to tell their own unique story and provide their intended audience with a useful product that people will use over and over again.

The bottle can even be refilled and therefore prolong the life of the campaign.

Even if people wear contacts, they usually have sunglasses and therefore the size of the audience of this product is not limited.

Think about the promotional marketing pieces you are currently using.    Are they tied to your brand?   Do they tell your story and remind people of you?   Are they seen as useful by those receiving them and can they spur people towards a call to action?

That is what promotional marketing Tangible Evidence should do!

Give us a call and we will work with you to develop the right Tangible Evidence for your brand that Gets YOU Noticed!