I AM BenBaker

Stepping Into The Spotight: Your Guide To Being Noticed With Tsufit

LBL 121 | How To Get Noticed


Being noticed has become a necessity in this modern day and age. One of the key persons who can share her genius about how to get noticed is former lawyer, singer, and comedienne Tsufit. Through her unique expertise, she has recently been featured in Forbes and is the author of the award-winning book, Step Into the Spotlight!: A Guide to Getting Noticed. Her life has become a topic of interest for many mainly because of how she has gracefully transitioned from a stable law practice with four small children to leaving all that behind and going on the road to become an actress and a comedienne.

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Stepping Into The Spotight: Your Guide To Being Noticed With Tsufit

Welcome to the show, Tsufit. How are you?

I’m wonderful. I’m glad to be here, Ben.

I am so excited. This is one of those things where it was meant to be. You and I have met through LinkedIn where I meet a lot of the people that I have on this show, as a matter of fact. LinkedIn is probably my number one avenue for communication when it’s not face-to-face. I meet the most interesting people and you have an incredible story. I’m reading through your LinkedIn profile. I’ve read through your website and you do some incredible things and have an incredible story. You were a recovering lawyer, which is an amazing thing right off the bat.

We have twelve-step groups for that. I prefer to think of it as an escape. I was a Bay Street downtown litigator for ten years. For your American audience, that’s like Wall Street. 

That’s Toronto. It’s the Canadian center of the universe. 

We already established that in our first call together. I was a lawyer and I had four baby girls in four years. I’m a very serious person. When I do something, I do it. I’m not messing with diapers and bottles forever. If we’re doing it, let’s do it so I did it. I was a lawyer at the time, a litigator. One day, I just had that Peggy Lee moment that “is that all there is” moment and decided to leave the law, kept the kids and decided to follow my dream. At that time, my dream was to be a singer and actress. I ended up being also a comedienne which was part of the original plan. I got on a sitcom for four years on national TV in Canada and played a comedically evil character. 

I put out a music CD. I performed it live at folk festivals and then learned through doing that how to promote myself because I’m stuck at home with four babies and no car. I made CDs when I’ve got four babies, no car and a basement full of CDs. I had to figure out how do I get it out there? How do I get noticed? How do I get known? I got a whack of publicity not knowing how to do it but just learning. People started coming to me and saying, “Can you show me how to do that?” Before you know it, I’m teaching. I’m teaching lawyers how to attract publicity and get noticed, get known and it shifted from publicity a little bit more into branding and marketing and every aspect of how to get seen, get heard, get noticed and get known. That brings us to the day that I met Ben Baker online.

Let’s step back a little bit because to go from stable law practice with four small children to leaving that all behind and going on the road and you’re becoming an actress and a comedienne and all that kind of thing, there must have been an impetus behind that. There must’ve been more of the fact that, “I’m tired of doing this.” There has to be a story that said, “It’s time for the next step in my life.” What was that story?

I have to go back to the beginning of that story. When I joined the latest law firm that I was in, I think I joined in August and nine months to the day from when I joined that firm, I had my first daughter. I was their first-ever pregnant lawyer, first-ever to deliver a baby. They were very nice about it and they came and brought me gifts and a shower and the whole thing. A year later I said, “I’m pregnant again.” I had another baby and they were nice. I remember the head of the firm brought me this Pinocchio doll and a second one, a marionette actually. They were really nice. A little bit more than a year, maybe a year and a half year or three quarters, I say, “I’m pregnant again.” Silence, crickets, nothing, no gifts, no congrats.

If you step away from your desk and into the spotlight, you're going to attract so that you won't have to chase. Share on X

A year after that, I had the ultimate nerve to have the closest together of all of them. I think they’re fourteen months apart or maybe fifteen. My last daughter was my fourth daughter in four and a half years. The oldest was not yet four and a half when the baby was born. Remember, I’m their first pregnant lawyer. They’ve never had one before. They hire this person and then she’s like a baby producing machine. Two weeks after I get back from my fourth maternity leave, they say, “We’re letting you go.” They gave me notice. They gave me eight or nine months’ notice. They were afraid. They didn’t blatantly say this but I later heard it on the grapevine. They were afraid that I would come back a year later and say, “I’m going to have a fifth one.” I never did have the fifth one. It’s not that I hadn’t been dreaming about it.

There’s a path system in Toronto. It’s like an underground system of the walkway so that you can avoid winter altogether and never see it. I remember walking there and seeing a sign once that said, “Bob, I quit.” Where this guy is telling his boss he quits to start his own business. I dreamt about that but who’s going to do that? I’m practical. I’ve got four babies. We had just bought a new house when I was pregnant with my first daughter. We moved in. I hadn’t even given birth yet. That’s a humongous mortgage. It was like 11.3/4% at the time. I didn’t do it voluntarily and I did look for another law job at the time. Instead of sitting around doing nothing, I thought, “What am I good at?” I started devising this thing and did the music CD and that’s when I learned to publicize it. I realized I had a marketable skill and started helping other people do that.

It’s one of those things where the world sometimes just gives us a kick in the pants.

I feel like they pushed me out of the nest. I’m a bird, they pushed me out of the nest and I was really grateful for that. 

It’s a good thing you were able to fly.

There was an article in the Toronto Sun many years ago when I was performing in that city which said, “Her wings move so fast, you don’t even see them moving like her namesake.” The hummingbird, it’s true. I’m always moving, I’m always doing something. I had no choice but to fly. Jann Arden has this great line. For your American people, she’s an award-winning singer in Canada. That’s like the Grammy’s. Jann Arden says Canada is the only country where you can headline at Maple Leaf Gardens and still have to take the subway home. Maple Leaf Gardens in its day was like Madison Square Garden.

Anyway, it’s true. It doesn’t matter if you succeed in Canada, you have to go to the US like Barenaked Ladies or whoever else we’ve imported, Ryan Gosling, Michael J. Fox to make it. It was challenging. This coaching thing brought some stability back. It’s not as stable as being a lawyer and I still have to attract my own clients but at least I wasn’t relying on being paid whatever paltry something you get from performing in a comedy club or I remember I was in a commercial for three days. That was like a big score but that didn’t happen regularly.

Through this whole thing and being able to sit there and go, “Not only am I able to promote myself but I’ve learned how to promote other people.” You wrote a book called Step Into The Spotlight. Tell me about it.

LBL 121 | How To Get Noticed
Step Into The Spotlight!: A Guide To Being Noticed

First of all, I don’t promote other people. I teach them to promote themselves. I’m not a publicist. There are people whose job is to promote other people but I learned that I was really good at teaching other people how to promote themselves, not just publicity but like marketing. If you go to the local BNI or the local Board of Trade or Chamber of Commerce, they give you 30 seconds at the microphone. I learned by chance that I was good at that because I saw it as a 32nd show, as a 32nd stand-up comedy bit.

When I first went to those events for the first six months or so, well-meaning people in suits would come up to me and say, “Tsufit, you’re doing it all wrong. You’re saying the wrong thing. You’re not dressed properly for this event.” It’s a professional event and I’m wearing a Chinese silk jacket or something I guess that’s called cultural misappropriation now or something. I like things from other ethnicities and I always went in a way that I was noticed. I would say something to be noticed. After six months of telling me I’m doing it wrong, they started putting me on stage to teach them how to do it wrong too. Next thing you know, I’m speaking at business conferences and whatever it is. The book came about, it’s called Step Into The Spotlight, the subtitle is A Guide To Getting Noticed. The premise on the TV on the cover is that all business is show business. 

If you want to take a peek at the cover, you could do that at www.SpotlightBook.com. It will take you to Amazon. You can see what I mean. It’s a retro TV. The idea of that was people were coming to me and saying, “Tsufit, we get it. You’re good at this. I’m not sure if we can do it.” When I started teaching them and getting results from people, they said, “We believe now that you can show us how to do it. The only thing is you’re charging more than lawyers now and we can’t afford you, so can’t you write a $20 book?” I finally relented and put all my secrets in this Step Into The Spotlight: A Guide To Getting Noticed book, 288 pages of my best secrets. People read it and some come to events with it all tabbed and say, “I got on TV,” or “I did a speech,” or “I had this newspaper article about me.” Other people said, “Tsufit, I still want to go deeper,” so I ended up creating programs and all that kind of stuff. It really built a whole business.

I’ve got the first element of it, which is the book, the ten-week online program which is the next level, the VIP where you want to work with me, which is the next level. I created this whole funnel with some free tips at the frontend, which you can see at SpotlightSecrets.com. I created this whole funnel around this one core thing which I realized I was good at which was standing out and getting noticed. Even though people do raise their fees when they work with me and they do increase, I never make any representations or promises about income or money or all these people that, right now they call themselves high ticket closers or there are a million names for it. 

To me, if you step away from your desk and into the spotlight, you’re going to attract so that you won’t have to chase. You won’t have to close, so you won’t have to learn all those “sales techniques.” Harvey Mackay, the guy who wrote Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and a bunch of other Dig Your Well Before You’re ThirstyBeware The Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt, a lot of great titles of his books. I forget the exact quote, it’s a great quote and it somewhere buried in my book but it was something about marketing or sales. It’s creating a condition where people convince themselves to buy. You don’t have to sell to them. You don’t have to chase them, you attract them. Attract, don’t chase is pretty much the premise of my book that you asked about and everything else that I’ve done for the last many years.

I love the fact going back to when you went to the Chambers of Commerce and the BNI, all those type of networking organizations where people said, “No, you have to network like us. You have to talk like us. You have to look like us. You have to dress like us.” It was Dr. Seuss that said, “Why be the same when you were born to stand out?” I can’t remember the exact phrase, but it’s why be the same when there is uniqueness in yourself. One thing that most people don’t get is to understand what their uniqueness is and how to celebrate it.

What’s funny is I have a little tiny business book I called Seuss-isms or something like that and they actually quote Dr. Seuss about a bunch of different things. You are absolutely right about that. For example, I had people in the beginning would come to me and say, “Tsufit, can you help me lose my accent?” I’m thinking, “Are you stupid?” I didn’t say it to them but why would you want to lose your accent? That’s the most interesting thing about you. You look like everybody else. You sound like everybody, other than the accent. It totally doesn’t work.

It really was ironic that everybody’s telling me I’m doing it wrong. Those people that told me I did it wrong eventually many of them became my clients because obviously it works to stand out. I asked you who your audience were and you told me they’re a combination between entrepreneurs and also managers, CEOs and HR people. It’s a little bit different sometimes in the entrepreneurial world and in the corporate world. In the entrepreneurial world, definitely stand out, be distinct, do whatever you want to do. The irony of ironies about the BNI thing that you mentioned, Ivan Misner who’s the Founder of BNI started the whole thing. Talk about irony because they’re all telling me I’m doing it wrong. He endorsed the book, told everybody to read it, put it on his websites and sent an email to everybody across the world. He’s now a member of my Step Into The Spotlight group on LinkedIn, an active member. He commented. Michael Gerber who wrote E-Myth commented, he’s in the group. The who’s who of Whoville are in this group. Maybe if you’re nice to us, Ben and I will tell you how you can join this LinkedIn group.

Do you notice how we sneak in these little promos? It can be obnoxious if you do it wrong but if you just happen to mention that you could join the LinkedIn group by going to www.SpotlightGroup.biz, there’s nothing wrong with that. People are grateful later and they thank you. We were talking about the people saying that I’m doing it wrong. In the corporate world, what could get you the big corner office with the view of the lake can also get you fired? I’m being real here. I would like to say to everybody to standout and be different. They can be the accountant or lawyer wearing the pink and purple striped socks.

I remember, there was a lawyer, she was a partner and she used to wear bright orange and bright purple and platinum blonde hair. She was qualified to be a lawyer. I’m sure she’s still typecast by a lot of people but she did that. At that time, it wasn’t the thing that people did at corporate. To tell you the truth, whenever I head downtown for whatever reason or occasionally, I’m brought in to teach some to a corporate audience, I see they’re wearing the nylons, the pumps and the three-piece suits. When I was articling, I not only had the Harry Rosen little silk tie flappy thing that lawyers wore in the ‘80s and carried the suitcase, whether there’s something in it or not in the briefcase. There is a look but the guy in the corner office is not dressed like that. The guy in the corner office, he’s comfortable, he’s wearing jeans, he’s wearing whatever he wants. You have to find a way to create a brand for yourself by cloning everybody else. It’s not by saying what everybody else says, it’s not anymore by climbing that corporate ladder that really doesn’t lead where you want it to go.

Find a way to show your color, humor, presence, authenticity, and your reality within your current position. Share on X

I would say that even though it’s true what I said, that it’s risky, I think it’s a risk worth taking. You don’t have to hit them over the head with it right away. You can slowly start to show your personality. I have a confession. When I was a lawyer, I didn’t really do this what I’m preaching to your audience to do. I would beat the lawyer in the suit. Although I do remember one of my early bosses, the senior partner, he was interviewing for the job. There was a woman ahead of me literally interviewing the same day as me. When I got through the associates who interviewed me to the corner office, he said to me, “I just offered the job a couple of seconds ago to this other person but I prefer you. I don’t know what to do because I can’t un-offer her the job. Let me talk to my partners. I’m going to see if they’ll allow me to offer you both the job. If she takes it, it will be two of you.” She did take it. I took it and I ended up sharing an office with this other lawyer for the first year until they built a partition and made us each separate offices. At the beginning before I started working in law, I had the confidence that you know right now. I was not arrogant but I was irreverent, strong and with humor to the point that people created jobs for me.

As I became a lawyer, I must say, it squished a little bit out of the life out of me. I just became that lawyer, that litigator. The minute I left law and started doing what I’m doing, it’s like the ski boots came off. I was flying. I would suggest to any of your audience who are feeling the way I felt when I was a lawyer that you have two choices. Find a way to show your color, your humor, your presence, your authenticity, your reality within your current position. Maybe you’re a middle manager, a CEO or whatever you are, you find a way to show it. You start take to consider whether maybe you want to make a transition to becoming some entrepreneur using the skillset that you already have or some other skillset that you may not have even thought of monetizing. 

If you stay and you don’t do one of the two things that I’ve said to you before. I’m not a doctor but I don’t think you need to be a doctor to say it can lead to ulcers and all sorts of stress which is never healthy, obesity and all these other things. I lost weight when I left law. I’m not kidding. I call it to follow that dream diet. I was just flying. I wrote a song. I’m a songwriter as well. I went from five days to four days after my second daughter was born, the day after that I wrote a new song. You need to create a space around you for creativity and me, I see marketing as my most creative endeavor of all. People see business as boring. I see business as artistic. I see it as a place to create and add color, flavor and humor.

When I wrote Powerful Personal Brands, it was for those people. It was for people to understand not how to be a rock star, not how to be flamboyant and say, “Look at me.” It was looking at yourself and saying, “What are you proud of? What makes you unique? What makes you different? What makes you you? Now go out there and celebrate that.” I think that the people that can understand who they are, what they do, why they do it and what makes them valuable, emulate that. The other people see that. Other people see that in you. When you can sit there and have that head held high, eyes gaze straight and you know what you’re all about. Some people are going to be flamboyant. Some people are just going to be quietly confident, but it’s your personal brand that makes you who you are. There’s a lot of power on that.

Once again, I will reiterate, this is not without risk. The reason that it’s not without risk is that some people will love you for it. They will love that you are being your authentic self and the really colorful, flavorful, delicious you and other people will not so much love you. I won’t say hate but maybe, they’ll resent you for it. Maybe because they see you being you and they’re not being them and they’re envious of you. That might be part of the reason. Maybe they don’t have the guts to do it or maybe they think you’re not being “professional.” People on Bay Street and in corporate tend to suffer from this malady, I call professionalitis.

Very often when they leave corporate, they try to bring that into their entrepreneurial ventures. They get an office, they get an assistant, they get these business cards, the brochures, the yellow pages ad and the online thing, and they spend like a whole whack ton of money and nobody comes. The phone doesn’t ring, no email, no nothing and they’re wondering why. They’re trying to transfer from a corporate environment to being an entrepreneur but using the same corporate parameters doesn’t necessarily work. I can’t tell you how many people have come to me over the years as clients and said, “Tsufit, you won’t find anything with me. I’m just boring.” No one is boring. Many people have said that to me, “I’m boring, I’m quiet, I’m shy, I’m this, I’m that.” When we start to dig, we find color.

This story I’m about to tell you, she didn’t say she was boring. She knew she was amazing but this woman came to me as a client and said she had to give a speech for a bunch of professional speakers. She was not herself a professional speaker but she ran a bureau for professional speakers and so they invited her. She came to me and said, “Tsufit, I can’t show up and do a dry, boring speech.” She did it for me and it was a dry, boring speech. I said, “Chicklet, let’s figure out what it is.” For all your audience who are offended by that, get over it. This is how I speak to my clients, don’t come to me. With utmost respect, I said to this client, “Let’s talk about you when you were younger. Tell me about you. I’m going to find some color.” She told me that when she was a kid, she was like eight, she used to help her dad pick tomatoes on his tomato farm. I said, “I think we found a shot of color. Tomatoes are red and I can visualize them.” You’ve got to visualize what you’re talking about. You just can’t talk about words that have no picture associated with them.

We made this analogy between tomatoes and speakers and we said, “Some speakers are still seedlings, they’re way too green to go out there and be taken to market. Others are ripe, plump, juicy and ready for market, so ready for her, what she does in her business and others are just plain rotten tomatoes. She used that analogy that we came up with that was grounded in a real story that she had actually told me. She went and did her speech and knocked them dead. It was amazing. There was a lineup of people waiting to speak to her and it all came from her. Only she lived this life and never saw that.

I’ll just tell you one more story. I had another client who was a graphic designer and she did brochures, websites, books, business cards and all the boring stuff that graphic designers do. I love graphic designers. Don’t boycott Ben’s show. I said, “Tell me about yourself.” She said she grew up in the Swiss Alps, in a 600-year-old farmhouse at the top of the mountain and she had to go down to the valley to the library to get books because she didn’t own any books. She loved to read so she would go down to the bottom of the hill or mountain or whatever it was to the valley, to the library and get her favorite book. I said, “Wouldn’t it be great if we said that your favorite book was Heidi? Because of the Swiss Alps and the whole thing.” The reason I suggested that to her was that my client’s name was Heidi. She said, “Tsufit, that’s true. That was my favorite book.” We added that into this story about how she would go down the hill to get her favorite book, Heidi.

LBL 121 | How To Get Noticed


Now that she’s in business, she makes books and I said, “Lose all the other stuff, website, cards, brochures, pamphlets. Who doesn’t have a brother-in-law and a neighbor and six cousins who do that? Let’s focus on the book.” She changed her business name to WeMakeBooks.ca. She made a gold plaque for her. She has bricks and mortar location. She made a gold plaque that says WeMakeBooks.ca and that’s what she does. She makes books and I refer all my clients in my book creation workshop to her. She also said she went to a networking event and out of ten women in a little circle, eight of them came up and asked for her card after she did that. 

This is what I can see your real talent is. It’s getting people to narrow their focus and sit there and say, “This is what I really do. This is what makes me special. This is what makes me unique. This is what makes me different. This is what makes people stand up and pay attention,” because not everybody’s going to love you. Of 7.5 billion people in the world, there are going to be haters out there. There are going to be people that love you and most of the world doesn’t care and you can’t serve them anyway. You might as well sit there and say, “Who are the people that I can serve? How can I serve them the best that I can and communicate with those people the way that’s going to resonate with them?” I love that story about Heidi because that’s what that’s all about.

That’s precisely it. Another way of saying that is to polarize your audience. It’s true, not everybody has to love you. Too many people are trying to be loved and liked by everybody and they end up nobody hates them, but nobody knows they exist. I know you probably want your radio show to be evergreen but if you have any doubts, just look at how polarizing an audience got a guy elected as president. It’s a very effective technique. You can take a third of the audience, the third of the population out there, you polarize them enough that they’ll be behind you. The other people that are trying to please everybody, his opponent wasn’t able to bring it home. Despite the fact that you know what it is that you do, you may not be communicating that clearly to your potential audience so narrow their focus, yes. It’s definitely part of it.

It’s not the only part of it though that matters. First, you narrow your focus, you figure out what is it that you’re selling and then what is it that you’re really selling? What’s behind the thing that you’re selling? It’s rarely the thing. It’s the thing behind the thing that you’re selling. Number one, you have to figure that out, narrow it. Number two, figure out how to communicate it. Figure out how to describe it in 30 seconds and people say, “Tsufit, 30 seconds is so short.” If you can’t say it in 30 seconds, you can’t say it in 30 minutes either because you don’t know what it is.

It’s a TV commercial or a radio commercial, all are 30 seconds. Look at how much information they pour into 30 seconds.

In fact, now they have some commercials that are called blinks. I think they are like two or three seconds. Thirty seconds is plenty of time. The truth is if you’re super engaging, nobody will notice if it’s 40, 45, but I hear people go on forever. “I’m a realtor and now is a really good time to buy or sell a house because mortgage rates are low.” No. Lose that. Narrow your focus, number one. Number two, figure out how to say it. Number three, figure out where to say it. What are those expensive steaks that Dan Kennedy always talks about in the US? There are two kinds that he talks about. There are these expensive steaks that you order and they go to your house.

Don’t be trying to hack that at the monthly meeting of the Vegetarian Society, because it doesn’t matter how good your 30 seconds is. It doesn’t matter how good your speech is and it doesn’t matter how much you narrow your focus. If you’re in front of the wrong audience, that’s not going to help you either so you’ve got to find your people, find your tribe and figure out where to put them as well. I mentioned that to my group SpotlightGroup.biz on LinkedIn. I created that group partially as a place to put my audience because until then I’m just going out and finding them where they are, which is great but if I can divert a little bit of those rivers and streams into my lake, why not throw them in there too? Hopefully, you’re not going to let anybody tune in to this radio show, podcast or whatever it is, Ben because, that’s something not everybody likes to hear. People don’t like to be thought of. Dan Kennedy uses a phrase. He’s a marketing guru, which people find particularly offensive. He calls his people his herd or some people say, “My flock.”

My flock, my tribe, my whatever.

The truth is offended or not, get yourself one of these things because they will buy from you. The ones that don’t buy from you will tell people to read your book or to join your group. Some of the best advocates never buy from you but they have a big mouth, and they tell everybody else to do it. They can be even more valuable than your buyers.

It is important to cultivate connection with your colleagues. Share on X

I had one client. Maybe she did $30,000 or $40,000 worth of business with me every single year at the most. Every year she probably referred $500,000 worth of business to me. I treated her like gold. She sang my praises any which way she could. She got me invited to every conference she could think of. She got me up on stages. She introduced me to the right people for ten years. She was an incredible referral source because she loved what I did and why I did it. She said, “I’ve got to introduce you to everybody that I know.” I haven’t spoken to her. She retired maybe several years ago. There are still people that I’m getting business from.

Speak to her. Send her some flowers, Ben. Tell her you mentioned her on a radio show. 

She’s living somewhere in Europe now. I don’t know where she is. It’s one of those days where I know a number of years later, there are still people who do business with me because she told them that they had to do business with me. 

That brings up another topic, something that we have discussed in my Step Into The Spotlight group on LinkedIn, which is, should you befriend your competitors? In this case it was a client, but I get some of the best referrals from my “competitors.” One of them in New York City who teaches what I teach and probably with more credibility and crowd than I do because he’s able to bring in people from the Today show and from all the big shows. He bought 200 copies of my books and he gave them to participants in his programs and attendees at his events. How much better can it be than that? First of all, it’s great to sell 200 books but better than selling 200 books to just like individual people who will read the book and maybe tell one or two people, this guy with every book that he gave out, that was an implied endorsement. Why would he give my book to somebody unless he’s saying, “It’s a great book. You’ve got to read this?” Cultivate those connections with your colleagues.

Here’s another thing. People ask me about my LinkedIn group, the Step Into The Spotlight group. LinkedIn groups, first of all, a lot of them are pretty quiet these days. JD Gershbein wrote an article years ago about how they’d all become ghost towns and it was really nice that he mentioned that ours hadn’t. The thing is there are two kinds of groups out there and I think maybe the ones that are ghost towns are the first kind. The first kind is where the mentor, guru expert, whatever you want to call this person, influencer. Most people hate all those terms. Just say a humble person like me starts a group and there are two ways to do it. The first is you invite all the prospects into the group. You stock your salmon pond with salmon. Whenever you’re hungry you go fishing in the pond that you pre-stocked or with mixed analogies, with these ripening fruit on your tree. You stock your own pond.

People are going to be super offended by this, but this is how a lot of people think about it. That is the first group and I see a ton of Facebook groups like that, a ton of LinkedIn groups like that. To tell you the truth, every once in a while I think, “All they have to do is go back.” They post some great content. They teach their group, they have their followers. It’s tempting but that wasn’t the path I chose. I chose the second one, which was to pack my group bursting with my so-called “competitors,” my colleagues. People generally way more well-known than the New York Times bestselling authors, Emmy Award winners. Michael Gerber who wrote the E Myth is in that group. Al Ries who wrote Positioning is in that group. Marshall Goldsmith is in there. Ben Baker of all people is in there. Ivan Misner is in there. David Meerman Scott, the who’s who of Whoville are in this group. Most of them are way better, way more kazillionary than me. Howard Berg who sold $65 million worth of product, the fastest reader in the world joined. Many people say, “I sold $1 million with the books. I sold this.” People are way more successful if you want to call that success for me.

Why did I invite them? They may get the clients that otherwise would’ve come to me but it makes it a destination that people want to come. It makes it easier to invite people to come instead of always saying, “Look at me.” What do I do in that group? You saw this, Ben, I promote other people in that group. Once every blue moon I’ll say something about something I’ve done but generally, I’m promoting other people and trying to connect them. Liona Boyd, who’s an internationally known musician, who’s written several books is a member of our group and she asked, “How can I find a publisher for my children’s book because their main publisher doesn’t do kid’s books?” I spent hours and hours inviting other people. Ellen Roseman who wrote for Star and The Globe is in there. I invite people and I cross-connect them and cross-pollinate them and promote them. Every once in a while, somebody says, “Tsufit, can you help me?” That’s nice.

Let me ask you one last question. This is a question I ask everybody. When you leave a meeting or you get in your car and you drive away, what’s the one thing you want people to think about you when you’re not in the room?

I’m going to sneak in one last promo thing before I answer it. If you want some free tips about how to stand out in 30 seconds, you can go to www.SpotlightSecrets.com. What do I want people to think about when I leave the room? That’s not something that I have ever consciously thought about. I don’t even want them to think. I want them to be blown away and be like, “She gets noticed. Can she help me do that?” For years people said, “Tsufit, that’s just you.” Now they’re starting to understand it’s not just me. It’s something that can be learned. I want them to think, to hope, that can she show me how to do a little bit of that? That’s what I want them to think. That is often what they do think. 

LBL 121 | How To Get Noticed
How To Get Noticed: Too many people are trying to be loved and liked by everybody, but nobody knows they exist.


Thank you very much for being on the show. You’ve been a wonderful guest. There is unbelievable content in here. People are going to have to read this two or three times to get everything. Thank you very much for everything that you’ve done. 

It’s my pleasure, Ben. I wish you every success with your show and everything else that you’re doing.

Take care.


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About Tsufit

LBL 121 | How To Get NoticedRecently featured in Forbes, TSUFIT is the author of Award-Winning book Step Into the Spotlight!: A Guide to Getting Noticed.
TSUFIT is a former lawyer who has been described by the Toronto Star as “a starburst of energy― bright bubbly and upbeat” and by Publisher’s Weekly as a “coaching dynamo”. Her book, Step Into the Spotlight! has been endorsed by Tom Peters, Jay Conrad Levinson, Jack Trout, BNI founder, Ivan Misner, Les Brown, Al Ries & many other New York Times best selling authors and experts.
Formerly an actress, singer & comedienne & the subject of 100’s of feature newspaper articles, television & radio appearances internationally, TSUFIT has appeared doing stand-up comedy in night clubs and on national TV and has appeared on television and film commercials internationally.
TSUFIT coaches professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, authors, speakers, coaches, consultants and CEOs to catapult their personal brands and themselves into a starring role! She coaches her clients to get seen, get heard and get noticed!
Once named a “Super-Achiever” by Canadian Lawyer Magazine, TSUFIT is a Dean’s List Law School Graduate who practiced litigation law for 10 years before leaving law for the limelight. Her music CD “Under the Mediterranean Sky” has made Top Album lists all over North America and is played on the radio internationally.
TSUFIT’s unique story was the subject of a national television documentary which aired on several networks across Canada.
TSUFIT is in demand as a keynote speaker, radio and TV show guest, seminar leader and mom (although she points out that she is not currently taking on any new clients in the last category!)

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