I AM BenBaker

Taylor Grant

Taylor Grant is a passionate advocate for his clients.  As he says in the interview Bellator is Latin for Warrior and that is exactly what he is. As a Public Adjuster, He works on behalf of commercial and residential owners against insurance companies to make sure that the amount paid out is fair and represent that actual damage done.

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How do we keep employees?

We keep employees by not treating them like interchangeable cogs in the system.  If companies took the time to think of employees as their most valuable resource and the best marketers of their brands, there would be a huge shift in employee loyalty.  When employees understand why the company does what it does and how they individually add value and help achieve objectives, they are more willing to work towards those objectives because they feel needed and valued.

Investing in training of staff is the number one thing you can do to differentiate your business and aid in its long term success.

Why do we buy insurance?

We buy insurance because of the unknown, the uncertainty and our desire to protect what we have taken a lifetime to acquire from being taken away from us in an instant.

Take the time to talk to your insurance broker.  If you do not trust them and feel that they care about you and want to help you understand your policy and make sure you are covered properly, go find another.

It is the role of the insurance industry to protect, but also to inform us what we are covered for, what we are not and help us through the process when things go wrong.

Take the time to do it right.