I AM BenBaker

Does Technology Help or Hinder the Development of True Customer Loyalty?

The merger of LinkedIn and Microsoft announcement today has me thinking. . . does technology help or hinder the development of true customer loyalty?

In my opinion, marketers are reliant far too heavily on technology, data and interpretation of analytics and are loosing the skills of listening to trends and understanding client desires.

There is no question that the digital marketing world has changed marketing over the last 8-10 years.   Marketers have invaded every aspect of your digital life and are creating profiles based upon data gathered.   But is that data and interpretation of analytics correct?   I do not believe that it is a lot of the time.

Data is “1” and “0” and does not take into account how people are feeling that day, what the overall challenges they are having in their lives, or how they really feel about the world around them.

If all we are measuring is response, we are missing half the critical information of how people make final decisions.

Take the time to move away from the computers and talk to people.   Find out why people care, not just what they click on.   The WHY is IMPORTANT!  It will lead you to help create a far more loyal and passionate customer.