I AM BenBaker

Ted Rubin “Change Your Outlook to Change Your Future!”

how you make people feel


I was lucky enough to come across this YouTube by Ted Rubin and I wanted to share it as I agree with him in developing the human side of digital.    There are way too many companies that are focused on clicks, likes and the metrics behind them without taking the time to understand the human needs, wants and desires.

We need to focus on being more human in our interactions.  Too many people hide behind email and social media and do not take the time to truly talk to people and find out what their challenges really are.  Get your employees involved.  The more they understand your direction, the more engaged they will become and the better champions they will be for your brand.

As marketers, it is our job to facilitate great communication.  To help spread ideas and tell stories.   This is something we should never forget, for if we do, what makes our product or service different from anyone else’s.

Be unique, tell a great story.   Ted does.   Take the 30 minutes to listen.   It is time well spent!