I AM BenBaker

The value of knowing who you are as a brand

Earlier today, I was a subject of a Podcast.   Here is the link to the PODCAST, just became available June 2013..     It got me thinking about the power of niche marketing and knowing who you are as a brand.

The trouble with many companies is that they market from a position of not truly understanding what their niche is and what the value is they wish to communicate through their marketing efforts.    In other words, they don’t take the time to ask the question “who am I as a brand?”.        Seth Godin talks about the 7 Marketing Sins, however my argument is that the first sin should be:  being unaware of who you are and what you do.

If you do not understand yourself, are not able to quickly and efficiently describe your value or do not have a unique story to tell in the market place, how are others supposed to care about you or sing your praises?  As Seth Godin says “what is your story?”



Every company must have a niche.   A place that they own, or at least can compete comfortably within.   Within that niche they need to be able to describe both to staff and then to customers why they are special and how, what they do, adds value.     Value is the key to understanding the brand.      People do not buy from you because you make a widget.   They buy from you because you have demonstrated that you understand their particular problem and have a widget that solves that problem better than the alternative they have been given.

This can only be done through understanding your niche and what your value is within that niche.   The days of being everything to everyone is gone.    Find a segment, carve out a niche within it and OWN IT!  Understand what makes you better and have a compelling story to tell.

If you understand your niche, your brand and your value, it is so much easier to develop the right marketing campaign to Get YOU Noticed!