I AM BenBaker

What Are You Doing This Summer?

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What Are You Doing This Summer?

This question is the number one question I get asked by clients in June and it amazes me when they get my answer.   “Working on Strategy with my clients!”

I love summers in Vancouver.   The weather is warm, but not too warm, and there are a million things to do.    The great thing about this is that people are happy and relaxed and truthfully have fewer short term deadlines that they are working on.

With that in mind, it is amazing to me how many customers are willing to take a few hours out of their days to actually take the time to plan for the fall and beyond.

We all know that late August will be upon us soon enough and people will be back in busy mode.   So why not take the time, when you have it to make sure that the plans are in place to allow you to hit the ground running.

Take the time to review your marketing strategies and figure out what is working, what is not and WHY.   You know you have the time now and won’t in the fall.

We look forward to hearing from you!  We could even do figure out some course work together.