I AM BenBaker

What are you doing to Market your Business this Summer?


Summer is well under way in Western Canada.   The temperature is unseasonably warm, the sky is exceptionally blue and people’s thoughts tend to drift away from the business at hand and focus more on upcoming vacations.

With that in mind, how do you and your staff keep motivated to market your company so that people understand your brand and value and remember you when their needs arise?

There are many options available, but the key words are creativity and effective engagement.   Sending the same messages out to people, who are not entirely focussed on business,  will land on deaf ears.

 Take advantage of the season and send out messages that are playful and light hearted in nature.   

Change up your logo to incorporate summer colour schemes or add visuals to the logo that make people take a second look.   Creating an email campaign of having your logo on an ice cream bucket and inviting people over on a Friday for a ice cream party at the office is one fun way to stir things up.

Summer staff barbecues are another way to get staff motivated to work harder during the summer as it makes them feel appreciated.

Take the time to think differently, communicate differently and engage differently based upon the season.   People will notice and respond accordingly.  So, what are you doing this summer?

Let us work with you to develop Tangible Evidence for your brand that Gets YOU Noticed!