I AM BenBaker


We believe customer service is the best of brand engagement and when done correctly empowers those within the company to truly believe in the brand AND develops brand champions within your client base.

Your customer service representatives are the front line face of your brand.  If they do not believe in your brand. . .  or even understand it. . . how are they going to demonstrate to your client base the value of that brand?

To us, internal marketing, is just as important, if not more so, than external.

Not convinced?   Have your staff do a branding exercise without management in the room. Then, bring senior staff in to read what they had to say.  YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE DISCONNECT!

Here is what Seth Godin has to say on What Customer Service is For. . .

Have a read and let us know how we can help you communicate more effectively to your INTERNAL CLIENTS!

Positive Engagement Model