I AM BenBaker

What type of Experience are you providing to your Customers?

We all like to be treated special!    So, why do we not take the time to make our customers feel special, valued and listened to?

Too many times, brands and companies fail due to poor customer experience.   Whether it be the website that should be mobile or at least easy to navigate.  . .  and isn’t, the not-so-friendly, caring voice at the other end of a customer service call, or the voicemail system that is impossible to navigate.   We have all been there and have been frustrated enough with the company to take our business and go elsewhere.

Why should companies or organizations be rewarded with our business when they do not provide an enjoyable experience?   They shouldn’t be!

Take the time to look through your processes, have them audited by people who do not currently work with you and find out where the holes are in your customer service.   More than likely, it is simple things that are easy to fix and will make the difference between people spending money with you or giving that sale to your competition.

By clicking on the image you will be directed to an interesting article in Forbes Magazine that discusses the value of customer experience.


In the end, it is all about Getting YOU Noticed!   Let us be your partner in developing an exceptional experience for your customers!