I AM BenBaker

Where are we going next?

I had a wonderful trip down nostalgia lane the other day.   Someone send me this wonderful article about:

Growing Up In The Golden Age Of Computing – The Commodore 64 Years…

commodore 64

and it got me thinking about where the marketing world has been and where it is going?   Once innovation starts, it is impossible to stop it.      As technology has grown, so is how we as marketers utilize it to our benefit.

I started in this business over 20 years ago in the direct mail business.   Enormous press runs on monster presses churning out hundreds of thousands of brochures and catalogues that all needed envelopes, mail houses, stamps and distribution.    From the time the creative was signed off on, to the time it hit your mailbox could be 4-6 weeks.   Unheard of by today’s standards.   Not only that, everyone got exactly the same piece of mail.   There was no customization, no personalization (or if there was, it was rudimentary and expensive) and ROI was measured by people remembering to take their coupon codes to the store when they shopped and clerks remembering to enter them properly on rudimentary point of sale terminals.

In today’s mobile friendly, instant communication world, all of this seems bizarre and inefficient.   However, the thought process should be, where are we going to be in the next 20 years?   What technology is to come that will make the way we communicate today seem bizarre and inefficient?

That is what we as marketers always need to be keeping in mind.   As technology changes and the world with it, what is the next thing that will help you tell your story to an ever more curious audience?

Come talk to us about ways to help you reach your audience more effectively. . . we are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways!