I AM BenBaker

Why do you want to be the same as everyone else?


Seriously, in business today, why would you EVER want to be the same as everyone else?   Why do you want to sell a bag like Gucci (but cheaper) or a watch like Rolex or run a burger restaurant like McDonald’s?

They have already bought and paid for that space and trying to be just like them means all you can expect is to eat their crumbs and watch your margins fade away.

By being like everyone else, you are joining in on the commodity game.   People can’t differentiate what makes you valuable and therefore, the only thing that matters is that you are cheaper. . .  until you are not.

If you saw this sign in the window, do you think this company has any chance at all at building brand loyalty?


Or if you you see this sign in the window ALL THE TIME at a particular retailer, would you ever shop there when it wasn’t?


Why would anyone set their business up in such a manner????????   Wouldn’t it be far better to take the time to look at what makes you unique and market accordingly?   Why wouldn’t you figure out what problems you can solve that already exist in the marketplace?   Or better yet, communicate value to a market that is interested in what you have to offer in ways they will pay attention to?

David Brier has a wonderful website.  In it, he talks about “Rising Above the Noise”.   It is also the subject of the interview with David in the video below.    David believes, like we do, that only by being unique, and communicating that uniqueness effectively, can you ever be understood for your true value and have people pay you what you are worth.


The race to the bottom is a horrible place to go.   Take the time to understand your brand, build a strategy around it and communicate with those who will understand that value and act upon it.

If we can help you on the journey, contact us!   We are always here to Get YOU Noticed!

PS.  If you go to the bottom right of David’s website, there is a FREE EBOOK waiting for you.   Pick it up and read it. . .  you will be glad you did!