I AM BenBaker

Why Don’t We Ever Talk Anymore?


Seriously, why don’t we talk anymore?   As a society we have become so wrapped up in technology, that the art of conversation; asking questions and listening, is becoming a dying art form.

Marketers today seem to have lost the ability to understand what they are truly marketing.    Today, you seem to get gold stars for clicks, likes, favourites and driving traffic.    But what does this all mean?   Just because you have 1 million followers on Facebook, are you making more money?   Do people truly understand how your brand provides them value and how it solves their problem?    I say NO!

We need to move away from the screen and “analytics hell” and figure out what is really important to us as a company and measure that.   Measurement for the sake of measurement is a folly! Talking to customers, figuring out what their issues are, what problems you can solve and THEN AND ONLY THEN developing a strategy as to how you can communicate your value to your listening audience.

Take the time, start a conversation, ask hard questions and LISTEN!!!!!!!   You will be amazed what people will tell you if you give them a chance.   Trust me; you will NEVER get the same insight from pure technology!  Don’t get me wrong, technology has its place. However, if it is measuring the wrong thing or communicating back to people in ways that seem insincere, then that is the way those you communicate with will feel about your brand. . . disengaged!   The goal should be to have better, happier, more loyal customers. . .  not just more customers who buy from you once and never are to be seen again.

We are committed to Getting YOU Noticed! by listening to your needs, understanding your value and THEN working with you to achieve those goals together.  It is all about creating a living brand!  Come talk with us, we want to listen!