I AM BenBaker

Do you understand your true value in the market?

Core-Values by valuebasedleader dot com


In our ever connected, mobile activated world, value and integrity are key to a brand’s success more now than ever.

Who people perceive us to be, rather than how we perceive ourselves, is the key to understanding your value in the market.

We need to break free from being seen as a commodity!  We need to be seen as more than just another option of many and worth as much as the lowest common denominator. As people and companies, we need to first understand our value in the marketplace and then communicate it, using relevant mediums, so those who are open to listening, pay attention.

A perfect example is a recent conversation I had with my new Mentee from BCIT. He wants to start his own company, but is struggling as to where his true value is in the marketplace.  The first thing I did was arrange meetings for him with potential clients.   I told him not to sell them anything.    I wanted him to explain his vision for the company, where he felt his niche was and to find out if these people could see value in what he was offering and how much they would pay for his services.

What I am trying to explain to him is, that if you do not have a clear understanding of what people perceive as your value is in the marketplace, how can you effectively communicate it to others?

People need to ask the critical questions:

  • Is my product or service relevant in the marketplace today?  
  • Why or why not?
  • Am I showing unique value to customers or have I become yet another commodity?
  • How can I change that?
  • Am I effectively communicating what I do so that people understand and engage?  
  • Why or why not?

Be critical of yourself and your company!  Take the time to talk to your customers and people in the industry.  Understand what you do right and what is missing so that you can modify your offering to add more value.

It is all about brand management and telling a great story!

We are here to help!